formality of civil activism
After viewing the documentary why we fight (a more comprehensive version of what m papers eventually came to be) combined with the news reports of the investigation of BP through its executive, I have come to realize the inefectuality of the individual in the system we have all taken part to develop. The human condition of being a rational creature causess us to reach ends that effectively cause misery but are rationally unavoidable to individuals. The amount of consideration and incovienience demanded of an individual to avoid such sitations would be eqaully of more oppressive that the ones that we currently perpetrate. No matter the insititution or individual, the appeals of interest are nearly always identical to some sort of self profit, whether it be forones self or for ones percieved benifit to humanity. The actions of an individual in any situation are rationally limited, very few if any take the irrational responses. This does not necessarily mean that human nature is as evilas...