
Showing posts with the label might as well consider the risks...

Thoughts and Wonderments of the Bloggoshpere

Thoughts on a blog are like yelling words in public. Most people don't listen because they don't want to, and those that can hear are generally annoyed by something about the words being spoken. The ability to scream anything in public is also why blogs are so free, one can post up whatever gibberish imaginable with no consequence or backlash less there is a background check on the individual. Like yelling things in public, the words you say can be remembered by someone who was not intended as a listener. Hopefully I shout words harmless enough for all to hear through the ages without being droll, dull, and repetitious and all the while appealing to the most common denominator, without a bite in the ass in the future. I'm sure as the posts become more common place, my reservations will rare; however no consequence of online action is ever immediate, there is always a period of hope when one thinks they could get away, or not be victimized by something. Ordering from a scam ...