Post Surgery Journal

I am writing this at the very end of week 3 and the beginning of week 4. I have been taking painkillers far less now and can actually focus a thought or two. Lately I have been hit by an anxiety attack of sorts due to what I believe are two potential blood clots in my left arm. Now that I'm off the painkillers, I noticed how much pain my left arm is in and am able to pinpoint the pencil erasure sized lumps.

Week One

Every thing is agony. I feel like somebody stuffed a cantaloupe into my hip and stabbed me for the trouble.There is a constant dull pain coupled with a sporadic burning sensation. The upper potion of my right leg is massively swollen. I can hardly  sit, stand, fart, turn, crutch, or even laugh without feeling like I'm being stabbed and bludgeoned at the same time. I'm bruised all around the bandages all the way to my knee, my dick, balls, ass, and lower back. I can't push my piss out, and I can't really sit on the toilet never the less excrete. I have to pop a wheelie and basically hold back from screaming in that act alone, this is besides the constipation and the sharp metal shards that come out when it's relieved. My appetite is gone, with a fleeting thought of what happens at the end of the food process. I barely can eat anything and am constantly thirsty due to the medications. Thank science for pain killers. Without these I probably would have been screaming in agony most of the day.

My dad drove me to and from the hospital, my mom has been helping me with food and had the grand idea of using a straw with water (really, it kept me from having to bend to drink, it saved my ass). After the first two nights, Jinedward and Paul have been regularly saving my ass. Paul has been doing the shopping, and helping me with meal prep, transportation, and stretches. Jinedward has been helping me with meal prep and the horrid chore of constantly changing my ice bags, he really stepped up when he knew no one else was there to do the job. 

So far I've been visited by Lenine, Dustin, Carly, Chris, Mike, Aunt Cory, Aunt Marla, and Esteban.I remember the day of surgery there were tons of messages blowing up my phone wishing me well. I've been receiving a lot of support from everybody I'm still in contact with. I have become an adamant user of FB chat, the socialite in me wants to stay relevant to the world. I was fully aware before the procedure that life can go on perfectly well without me, I didn't want to face that horror without being in some people's thoughts.

Week 2

To be written later


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